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  • Writer's pictureAdam

Getting to grips with animation

For the opening into the sequence I wanted to start off with making a more cinematic feel to the intro of my video, the first step was animating

By moving the x,y,z curves of each bone you can set key frames like you would in a "timeline" node , but the trick is when you place a key frame at the point in time you want to edit you can copy paste two points and set the to the same rotation value to of them to get a perfect starting point so you can animate without frustration.

so in this example i want to edit the "Upperarm_r(R)", (R) being the rotation of the bone, and I've clicked "Key" in doing so it has reset the X,Y,Z values back to 0.

By roughly realigning the X,Y,Z values you can already see its taking back its original pose in that point in time, allowing you to continue animating by just moving the key frames up and down, but if you want it to retain that pose for a period of time the values would have to be the same and this is why you would just copy paste the points parallel to each other.

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